(dear readers,)
that this is NOT
with the ACTUAL THING.
any questions,
please FEEL FREE
to get at my CELL
and i'm sure you have
your own ways of finding it
i'm not gonna post it here silly
so give me a call =)
> texting : okay.
913 milpitasss

914 church + DK's family bday partyfound this behind a seat. i think we all need this. =T

i pray for strength
this is DK. (Dianne K-something) she just turned.. 12?

filipino family parties have.... that's right.... oodles of food

AND dessert. =)

that jello thing on the bottom left corner was hellsa good. some sort of creamy mango-ish flavored jello on top, and strawberry(?) jello at the bottom. i ate that whole chunk missing
i sat next to DK and her friends and they just commented on my clothes. i think it's a younger-kid thing. you know, when you see an older kid and you wanna act cool/older around them so you try to find something that you can relate to. THAT sort of thing. -_- yawn.
nobody was there around my age. always results to television..
it was only the filipino channels =(
which i dont even understand... =(
after they finished eating, the "grown ups" came in. THEY started talking about hmmmm how shall i say this... a more Mature version of "nice shirt" : "I love your house! Where did you get your shades at? How much did you pay for _____? How's your daughter?" yadda yadda. -_- yawn.
food was good tho
let's go home.

no boobs! hahahaha
916 happy birthday cassandralunch date with amanda & roscoe =)

thanks amanda. good times. good talks. hella cute-ass puppy roscoe. sorry for blocking your face. =)
couple hours later
k: wait for her after her class.. i'll meet you at quickly's after
c: kay. i'll just be studying. i DO have a bio test tomorrow btw..
k: okay we'll be quick
[fell asleep in my car]
text: hey, i got out early today... i'm home already. i was out at 820.. sorry
c: fuck she's at home already! i fell asleep in my car! where are you!??
k: i'm getting the balloons with jr i'll meet you at quickly's!
[couple minutes later]
k: since she's at home already come back to uc and i'll meet you at lucky's
c: *groan* okayyyyy...
birthday ingredients:
cake, candles, balloons, flowers, and surprise.
j: i'm not gonna hop this! cops gonna think wtf is he doin
c: duuude lemme text her
tee hee! shh!!

keep her eyes blindfolded!!!! you hold the cake flowers balloons, i'll guide her

picture.. haha..

HAHA they're trick candles silly!!

happy birthday.

soak it in..

k we all have busy schedules now time to go!
920j <3922-3 daddio'sstayed at daddy's for the night, and woke up to this

sorry so blurry. says RB, Thank you Daddy. Sorry didn't know how to put back couch. <3cheryl. remember the crab we caught in monterey!! hahahahha! its in the bathroom now

reducing hours
and whatevering.
gettin my shit straight
and gonna do it
right this time around.
[future] options:
san diego
>>> davis <<<
another cc
call me for the other updates! =)