
never done before

[sorry for the lag!]

drafted on 092809, posted: today

birthday update!
cassandra is officially 21
the Quattro! =) now starring: Nia !
we missed you sooo much. welcome back. =)

did i ever mention, that i love the airport?
yes. this is a classroom.
heat + traffic = angry drivers
the pier
and of course, Carne Asada Fries. =]some famous pizza place
that had the most exquisite peanut-butter boner pizza ever!
"i'll take your suggestion"
*ahh* nighttime
you gotta squint to see it
so, what's the point of a waitress?
i'm famous! [hah]
i like palm trees okay

then shortly after...

"i used to catch those with daddy when i was younger and we'd add it to the pond.. as pets"
new phones <3
uh.. lets get drunk at a museum?
a little disappointed they were stuffed, but i was more attracted to the aquarium..
(first 3 via blackberry)
the jellyfish were my favorite.
so basically we were lookin at animals with drinks in our hands hahagotta have a turtle just so you can get a visual, i can fit in it's stomach
security guard sneaked us some tix to the trippy planetarium^_^


long lasting

flavor. no matter how much gum we chew, none of them last forever. the flavor goes away.
(this was my favoriteee kind of gum as a kid)

take a simple object, like gum for example. you undergo a process while chewing it, yes? let me tell you what the process is.

1) chew to release flavor crystals hidden within
2) tastebuds dance in sync with the flow of saliva
3) flavor overload!
4) chew for granted
5) flavor fades...
6) spit out.
7) repeat or switch to gobstoppers.

yes THATS what happens when you chew gum. now relate that to your life. good bye


blowin in the right wind

i feel weird.

djtiesto's got me daydreaming. thinking. [no, i'm not on e. nor have i tried it]. a few conversations with people out of my norm got my brain thinking.. in the past few months, there's been a change. subconsciously, without my knowing. recently.. i'd wake up and feel soooo awkward. first thought that comes to my head is: "i think i'm maturing..."

dont laughhh >_<

i can already see you laughing through the screen. it's not that kind of maturing.. i meant like, i'm not as interested in certain things like i used to be? the things i used to pass, are now the things i love? like the taro root in my sinigang, for example. nom. ^_^. the things i used to love, are just.. plain to me. the more i've experienced, the more it's gonna take to hype me up. "oh, again? party and drinks? nahh but thanks tho". "but so-and-so is going and there's a dj and ...."

yea im not interested. boredom is my only motivation to go.

i guess this is another form of being spoiled. excessive indulgence has damaged the quality of my weekends. a different crowd sounds enticing.. but that takes time. i've tried it and it's almost like the same thing over again, just different faces.

i'm surprisingly chill about this whole deal. someone once said, "sounds like you're settling down". i guessss? if you put it that way its as if i'm old, wrinkly, and married?! hah, i'm neither of those. i believe there's a time and place for everything.

have you ever considered the fact that time IS on your side?

i'm content chillin alllll dayyy baby.
down for anything & everything life has to offer. =)
one day at a time.
never lose hope!