
A Story for the Kids

ahemm. Once upon a time not long ago in the land of Oakland, CA at 4am, cheryl and her grandmother took a taxi cab to the airport. They arrived at gate 22 with ample time for a little rest.

It's funny how America relies on this $#!t..
At 10 to 6, the intercom announced, "Gate 22 for Sea-Tac Airport now boarding". Cheryl and her grandmother picked up their belongings and they dragged themselves inside the airplane. *yawn*
(2 hr flight.. yadda yadda..) Washington was definitely a change of environment for the both of them. Lots of green trees and super cold weather! brrr

At a nearby relative's house, the both of them quickly readied themselves for a wedding ceremony that was to take place at 2pm sharp! Another car ride, and they arrived at a farm. Yes, the wedding was at a farm!

(Paulyn married at 21)

At the reception, cheryl and her cousins took a little boat ride.
The following day, the whole fambam took a trip up to Canada. Cheryl and her cousins crossed a bridge that was very high up. (That's Katrina.)
... and they saw totem poles...

(Katrina, Rachel, Mia)

... went to the city..

... to the beach..

(Chevron for Boats)

... and to the Night Market. (my personal favorite!)

(boy cheryl and sleepy katrina)

(josh got a twisty bike)

OH what a night!! They got to the house at around 12am... 3 hr sleep.. then back in the car for the long 15 hr ride to California!!
The End.
Getting out of California is great. There's so much more out there that I bet you've never seen. =)

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