
i'm also, losing it.

i'm never too far.
i can play fair - if i wanted to.
always down for anything.
forgetful, majority of the time.
sure, i'd love to shadow you today!
wanna? let's!

happy bday jesus, 122509.

when i feel like being vague, i pay no attention to detail. i drift through the days, wandering around in my mind about the good times - instead of the "yes, a straight deposit" in front of me. I concentrate for a few seconds, then release. Back into my own world of bliss. "i can't wait to see you later!!" hypes my heart. =) Anyway, I'm getting paid. And some. And what.

now what.

2010 is just around the corner and i'm totally excited for what it has to bring. Somebody once told me that it's OK to be selfish sometimes. Focus on yourself. Do what is right for you; stop trying to make others happy because how can you make someone else happy if you're not happy yourself? (did you get that? haha). My cheryl-like character will unravel this upcoming year, i'll be taking more risks, more chances, and finally, i will get more questions answered.

The life of a curious 21 year old.. i'm fuckn Ready.

so happy early new years, everyone. there will definitely be more blogs to come, none of the norm - coz in my world there is no such thing as "normal". stay safe and try your best not to complain!


XD! ^_^ v ! >_< \m/ woot woot


resistance is futile

if i could somehow find the junction between a person's thoughts and what actually comes out of their mouth, i'd make a switch for it. I would be soooo rich by now, coz I could name a bajillion moments where switching it to Off would be the best answer in that given situation.

k im lazy to write the rest going to the mallzo with roach! =) it's been awhile since i was with my baby =D




behave yourselves


"call/txt me thnx ;)"


GLAD to live in a growing generation of technology, methods of communication have never been so various than it is now. I just had a conversation with daddy on our car ride home from the grocery store about how nobody has human contact anymore. Everything is through facebook, twitter, text, blog, and for the businesses: linkedin. There's so many social-networking sites that I could add more, but those are the main ones. While listening to daddy talk about his view on this, all awhile I was (and dont get at me for this!) texting and not even looking at him! my ears perked up when i heard him talk about "communication" because i DO believe that communication is key in EVERY relationship no matter what type it is... and so my smartass said,

"well i'm communicating right now as we speak? thanks to technology i'm multitasking and communicating to 2 people at the same time"

then my conscience reminded me that i was being a complete hypocrite because i remember saying in a previous blog that multitasking reduces the quality of your outcome..

and with that being said, does that mean this generation has lost their quality?


i still believe in traditional etiquette, however. no cell phones at the table or while conversating one-on-one with someone.

i am such a hypocrite >_<. anywho, first step is to recognize it [check], second step: execute it. note to whoever i talk to: please feel free to remind me of this blog if i pull out my phone while talking to you. .... heh

and back to reality it is!