finally... 4 months later!
Dear Mac Users,
firstly, i had planned to empty out my memory card before i went to India. so i saved my photos in a folder and hit delete and my mac looked like it deleted everything.. but for some reason my canon said it only had 140 picture space available? ?!!?!? a little frustrated, i figured that's all i would need.. right? well after my india trip i found out that with macs in particular, you also need to delete the photos in your trash box. -____-. then you'll be back at the however many gb's you started with. keep that in mind.
My friend Julian and I have always wanted to travel to a 3rd world country to help out (see bucket list post). so when Jubilee Church had an ad for an opportunity to go to India, we saved up our $$$$ and made it a reality. =)
I woke up super excited. "I'm going to INDIA!!!" i screamed. I've only been talking about it for.. ever. I checked my luggage.. made sure i had my itinerary.. and brought along a little pouch for rupees. Julian met at my house.. prayed a little prayer with mom & grandma.. and Vinny was ready to send us off to SFO airport.

like i've said, I love the airport. So many different cultures all in one building. The plane ride, however, was a dreading 16 hrs.. complete with tv's on the back of the seat in front of you, and uncomfortable back rests. Julian and I were still looking for our group, but we figured we'd see them once we've landed. off to india!
so this right here is the airport in india. The golden arches never fail to stray from you, even if you're 1938749183 miles away... haha. We eventually found our group. the weather was wonderful. warm, around the 70's... (at night).
about an hour later, we settle down in our hotel rooms. looks like your everyday hotel room, right? Coz it is.. Our group leader, Pastor Michelle Bernal, said "This is your oasis, you have a shower, toilet, and bed. We'll come back here after our missions, but when we're out there, there's no turning back. You'll have to wait til we get back to the hotel".
we started out at 6am. i guess india wakes up early? I could hear the toots from the car horns and the vroom's from the motorcycles. almost everyone had either a motorcycle, or was traveling by taxi (the mini yellow cars). They looked like.. hmm.. the kid rides in the middle of the mall that cost like 50cents to ride. All automobiles looked shrinked compared to the auto's in the U.S.
that's julian.
and that's india's common ant! huuuuuge ant! about 3/4ths of an inch. 
our first mission was at the dumps. as you can see, they made their own tents out of whatever they could find.. there were hundreds of them.. india doesn't really do much about these dumps coz very few people care.. and because there are so many, funding for them is an issue.
i pulled back the blinds in the bus and the first thing i see were these 3 excited faces.. they were SO happy to see us! They waved and we waved back. I turned to julian and said, "dude we're really here!" before we got off the bus, Pastor Michelle said, "keep all your stuff safely hidden. they will steal. and remember, we are there blessing, we are here to love them and pray for them."
they loooooooved to get their pictures taken. they'd always tug on me and say "one photo!" haha. it was cute. they'd make some silly face, then grab my arm to look at their picture and laugh their hearts out as if it were their only form of entertainment
we brought them some candy and every kid would come up to me asking for more. lol. i'd tell them, "i'm sorry i dont have enough..." i felt sooo bad.. but we packed them some food to hand out in the church (white building).
we brought rice, oil to cook, and something from the lentil family called dahl. 
we told them to form a line before we could pass out one of each, but since they were so hungry i think i saw a few people come in twice, or using their children to get seconds. we wanted to be fair, so we tried to give one per family. they had to have a ticket to get the food.. then we saw fake tickets.. then they crowded at the door! "one at a time!" it was chaos.. you can see julian at the door trying to hold them back because they would barge in like 10 at a time and we couldn't keep track of who was getting what. we even had to form a barrier by holding hands with eachother so nobody could sneak a bag for themselves. i felt horrible but if you're hungry, you do what you gotta do to get food, right.

some of the group members were amazed at how rowdy it was getting. we were giving them food, but they can't just steal seconds... we had to be strict.
we closed up all the doors of the church so nobody would snatch a bag. it made me wonder, how long do they have to wait for another batch of food? who gives them food? how long do they go without it? Pastor Michelle said many organizations like us help them out, but on some days nobody would come at all. they can be food-less for up to 3 days =\
one of our group members brought her guitar and started singing christian songs to them. in this one she was singing Jesus Loves Me and she changed the lyrics to "you". =)

i'll have more tomorrow! so stay tuned.
i'm at daddy's feelin like a bed-potato coz just this past tuesday i woke up with a bad fever. 102degrees. =\. vinny took care of me all day. (thank you). i was hot & sweaty with goosebumps, had a throbbing headache, and dry coughs w/ phlegm. (how could a dry cough have phlegm? hah, trust me, it hurts). so today i went to my union city doctor and he said i have bronchitis. =T. he gave me a prescription for phenergan w/ codeine (yes, codeine) for the painful cough and augmentin for the infection caused by bacteria in my bronchioles. on top of that he suggested i continue using tylenol to reduce the fever. o_o. siiigh. such nice weather outside! i have work tomorrow though, i dont think i can make it. i already called out one day. eep. oh well. more tomorrow! back to water & rest..