let's recap on springbreak, shall we? ahemm. alright. let me warn you ahead of time though, this is a Long one. SO... on thursday the 20th, i reeeeally wasn't sure what i had in mind for spring break. i thought, hmm. so far i've been going with the flow with my non-school life.. picking up all phone calls and accepting all invitations. it's fine, it's fine. still boyfriendless, but fine...
friday night i was ambushed with random phonecalls relating to Plans for the Week ahead.
"i'm gone for springbreak, let's hang out before i leave"
"pick me up on monday, remember???!"
"hey! SJ piercing!"
"santa cruz? i'll pick you up!"
... and the list goes on
-breathe- This'll be interesting.
Saturday i had this sudden urge to shop. cassandra was leaving for manteca, so we decided: Valleyfair. so in the morning, we ate breakfast so that our stomaches/stomachs [sp?] wouldn't grumble while shopping. thanks to rachella for making it for us.
look what i found. lolllll
easter sunday 08.
so we're on our way to church and the parking lot is crazy-crowded. .. bored in the car..
easter sunday's message was about the Usual. well, i went to friday mass too. it started out with a movie on friday.. with some 300-like graphics. it was artsy. i loved it. anyway, just to sum it up.. the video showed what happened to jesus on friday.. they made fun of him, threw rocks at him, crucified him on the cross with 2 other bad guys; one of them eventually forgiving for his sins, the other did not. he died (for our sins) and they put his body in a tomb. after the 3rd day he rose again (sunday, Easter sunday).. celebrating new beginnings.. out w/ the old and in with the new, a new life, a better understanding, and a GREAT appreciation for what he did for us. THATS the real meaning behind easter. it really shouldn't be the only day of the year that people go to church though. its funny coz that's the only day in the year i'd see a lot of new faces that will never come back until 09. maybe my morals/beliefs are just different from theirs.. but i dont see why it would hurt to go to church every once in awhile.
after that we went to eat dim sum. (as usual)
tito roy called us and told us to meet him up at St.Anne's (completely different church) for the annual Easter Egg Hunt. the eggs were not well hidden and there were a shitload of people. filipino people, in particular. [truth!]
monday was pretty much planned out before i could hit the snooze button. met up with amanda to re-pierce that lip. chey wasn't available, so it was an amanda-cheryl day. it'd probably be a good idea to eat first though.
piercing - check
pick up albert - check
bay billiards - check
albert's - check. he couldn't wait to open his new toy.
tuesday - happy birthday chey. =)
i was all hyped-up about going with The Boys to sf. i got ready, called mom, told her i gonna be back from sf in time for tutoring. [yeah i had tutoring that day on account that i had a calc midterm the following tuesday]
i never knew my hopes could drop so low, so fast..
"you'll never make it on time! there's traffic and san francisco is too far!"
"no! your tutor drove all the way here to tutor both you and rachel! you want him to drive all the way back here just so you can go to sf?"
-_-... yeah.. not hyped up anymore. chilled the rest of the day.. night time i went out to visit andrew billy and robbie. haven't seen them in a minute. i dont know why people say minute when really i meant, "long-ass time".
wednesday - flags flags flags flags flags flags
845am we were expected to be at walmart. 845. but tell me why we started to leave 2 hrs later? haha.. like i said in a previous blog, (and i dont know why i didnt think of this before), friends are accompanied with Lag. [myself included].
other than that.. WOOOOOO6FLAGSWOOOOOO!! i've been itching to go on a rollercoaster for the past couple months.
on our way there, toll was superrrr long. heck no we weren't about to wait in that long-ass line. albert says, "cheryl pop your head out and smile at them". so albert drives to the front of the line, i roll down my window, pop my head out, smile at the people behind us and sure enough they let us through. ^_^. i'm tellin ya, my smile works ;D
we ate at ikea first for breakfast. yummayyy. anyway, before the rides we had to pass by a few things.. keep in mind that this was 6flags Marine World afterall
penguins (for melinda)
-end wednesday.
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