red? no, orange.. no, yellow? green! or blue.. purple?
if there is too much change, well then.. simplicity is key.
i know. Black!
after months and months of wasted time, money, purpose-less days... i've learned a few things while i been gone. wrote them down on paper.. been lazy to convert them into a blog entry. but here they are. in front of me right now. scribble-scrabble of learnings:
seems like the new thing nowadays.. from single to taken, paid good to need hours, rarely to often, car license to m1, alive to passed away, noticed to silent, cc to vc, THE LIST GOES ON....... it must be a 2008 thing?! [and what a year it's been so far]. okay maybe converting doesn't seem to precisely fit these scenarios perfectly, but you get the picture. My latest "converting" thing would have to deal with Cell phones.
texting of course is the usual now. head down, fingers clicking. awareness of all surroundings goes unnoticed. (while driving, is the worst). i've become accustomed to this ever since i got unlimited, but now to think of it.. having this many available texts is a bad thing. like i said, your awareness is not focused on your surroundings. so for eggs-ample, say you're with somebody.. having lunch & whatnot.. then *message tone*. you got a text! whip the cell out and BAM. the person you are currently with is no longer Special.
let us convert to make your time together worthwhile.
firstly: silence phone & stash away.
option 1: check it every once in awhile.. during awkward moments, emergencies, boredom, while the other person is in the bathroom, etc etc. or
option 2: ignore it completely. or
option 3: turn it off. not even on standby. off.. 100%.
now realize that texting is not as intimate as real human contact. so, if you must text.. try Calling. "shy girls text". so prove me wrong
saturday chilled with daddio.
went to the hardware store to find... nothing...
eh oh, you're in trouble rachel.
this past sunday went to church again.
in his pocket was a memoir of something that kept him motivated. an piece of iron. [little odd, but that's him]. it was with him everywhere he went and i guess you can say its like his good luck charm.
he told us a story about how he used to play tennis. [hey!] he would always go with his stepdad to the tennis courts in the morning because his stepdad loved the sport. so, he played.. blah'd.. not quite so interested. his stepdad continued to take him out to play because he knew he had potential. he had the strokes and the skills to excel in this sport. then one conversation came up, "when will you start driving?" son: "oh.. maybe when you buy me one..." "i'm not going to. but.... the only way you can get one from me is if you beat me at this game" son: "?!?!". so he worked on it and worked on it.. finally beat his stepdad and got his car.
that was at 16.
now at __yrs old, he still plays tennis but as a hobbie. a fellow smartass young tennis player challenges him to a match one day. they played the first half, and he wasn't winning much. angered inside and yearning for achievement, he attempts to go back to his car and switch rackets. inside his racket bag was the piece of iron. all of a sudden, he puts it in his pocket, gets BACK on the courts, and played like he was playing with his stepdad.. hungry for the car. this time, hungry to Win. he memorized his moves, found a weakness, and used his old tactics/skills to beat the smartass. SUCCESS. he won!
what he was trying to say was, return to your first love. [in this case, he returned to the very reason that got him into tennis; his match with stepdad]. sometimes we can get lost in the details, but all we need to do is Refocus. go back to where you lost it, and god will give it back. remind yourself [such as the piece of iron], Don't Lose Your Edge. [original tennis skills]. It takes a little bit of work too, but at the right time.. harvest [or, plant the seed] and it will grow [in due time]. When the harvest is ready, pick it. Don't let it die [remember your skills!]. Then, after victory, there is celebration. =)
we drive back and we arrive at home. i hear mom make this strange screeching noise only to find it was her BROTHER! what a surprise! shit, i was surprised myself!
1020, did i tell you?
everytime we look at each other i start to smile and i start blushing. ^_^. what was it, only 2 almost 3 days that i haven't seen you and we miss each other like c r a z y! but we had to hold it in for the 20th. made the day even More worth it. thank you baby. =)
lol cutie
today we went to some pumpkin patch in san martin [never heard of it]. got 2 pumpkins and decorated them. mine shits on yours. pictures will be up soon. then went to gilroy outlet for the heck of it. don't matter what we do so long as we're together. <3
BACK to reality. i turn my chair and look down at the floor.
i need a sense of accomplishment. right now, i stay in stagnant waters. i feed on progress. after i consult to my superiors, i think i'm going for it. tired of the same shit over and over, time for a different approach. steppin my game up. thanks c#2. better for the both of us. =)
+1 up!
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