i highly believe there is a correlation between the two. although it is true, you can be sad on sunny days, happy on rainy days.. then again.. that would mean that i just associated happy with sun, sad with rain. how is that?

we both make the noise *rawr*. haha.......ha.... 

people, tv, culture, experiences... that's why.
you already know. we all form our own definitions due to people, tv, culture, experiences, etc etc.. and when we actually MEET somebody.. you try to figure out, who did You meet? what shows do You watch? and what kinda culture are you currently in? what have you Been through? because those sort of things make up who. we. are.
step 1. Eyes
amazingly, getting to know a person in that sense means you first gotta have some sort of initial interest in the person such as.. hmm. LOOKS, maybe?
-__-. yea yea.. looks aren't everything.. but let's be honest here. looks come first. hah. "damnnn papi, you're gorgeous!" or "heyyy shawty got it going on!" ..the ridiculous shouts of hormones racing. saaaaave me from your immature libido. please!
[looks is just an example. personality can be one too. but what i'm saying is for step 1 you gotta have some sort of initial interest.]
step 2. Mouth, "The Foundation"
sadly, not too many people can make it to this step.. and some just skip it. [note that if any of those two apply to you, you are lacking step 1. skipping step 2 can lead to failure].
this step requires making the effort to get to know the person. communicating, questions, conversating, debates, jokes, stories.. get to know what Defines this person. who has this person talked to, what has he/she gone through that makes them who they are? analyze the person inside and out [mentally] and together you two will slowly start to Understand each other. without this step, re-evaluate step 1 or you accept that you have failed. miserably.
step 3. andddd... Action!
for some, after step 2, you might realize that this is NOT the person you want, so any further steps will not apply and you just drop the whole process. BUT say you've successfully achieved a huge chunk of step 2 down, you're ready for step 3. step 3 can be a plethora of different directions.. dates, frequent calling, hanging out, possibly sex [for the needy], or even dropping the person in all. this may also require a few things called "fluffs".. which is basically like sucking up/kissing ass. not only do you get to know the person, but get to know the people AROUND this person, to further bump up your status. and then...
step 4. Agreement.
you've got to know this person approximately 90%, but does this person know You? this person is also going to have to go through the steps prior to 4.. and with that, after successful accomplishments of all previous steps, acknowledge the "i like you" and make sure that you get an "i like you too". if not, DAMN you sure would seem like a stalker?
step 5. Territory
Claim it. yeah, lift your leg and piss on it. put a high-voltage barbed wire fence around it. make SURE that anyone who trespasses WILL be prosecuted. it is finally yours and you can do whatever you liiiike - t.i. =) keeping it, however, is a whole different subject on its own...
these steps don't necessarily have to apply to couples, but to relationships in general. could be making a friend, could be a family member, who knows. it's experimentally proven. just tryyy it. what's there to lose?
oh yeah. halloween was...
halloween was... yep you guessed it.
lol.. starbucks
the end goodnight goodbye adios zzzzzz 
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