like opening a door that has an object obstructing your ways of getting through, what do you do? first instinct; push. estimate the amount of force needed. still can't get through? shove.
from the way i was brought up, i learned that if you have a goal, don't let anyone.. ANYONE.. tell you "you can't do it". nothing is impossible. [without god]*. hence the cheryl-trait: "i'm not taking No for an answer"
okay, so i might use that quote for things doomed for failure. i find out the hard way. nevertheless, a learning experience. a little dumb, but you'll never know unless you try. right? ughhh here comes the quotes again..
dude i'm hungry.
anywho. the holiday season has arrived. ^_^. homey, hot cocoa/green tea, sweats, socks, a warm blanket and cuddling. ^_^. oooh i'm getting all giddy!! tee hee!!
on the other hand, others immediately think of macy's, gifts, money, and black friday. [shopping and greed]. what a shame. -_-. oh but there is More to the holidays than just those! what happened to thanks, giving, family-love, reunions, happiness? the whole MEANING of holiday season! whereee is itttt??
this is what they say now.
thanks - for the gift
give - me more
family - more gifts
reunions - i didnt know she was my aunt? does she have a gift for me too?
happiness - from the multitude of gifts
as a matta fact, i have my eyes on these wonderful darlings =x !
no no no, america! bring the meaning BACK! oh but... hahha.. you're gonna Have to! due to a tighter squeeze on income, our 08 holiday season will be on a budget. the economy today is so freakin low right now.. even i have trouble with my Gifts List. i'm pretty sure a lot of you are experiencing this conservative state.
we are currently in a pickle due to this "conservative state". people are getting laid off, looking for jobs, wondering.. who's gonna hire me with THIS kind of economy? gas went down, that's a good first step. i've heard that black friday sales will be even lower than usual this year? but with no sufficient liable evidence for that yet. we'll see this friday. anyway, mom says we might move. i'm guessing washington. but how would we move, if first we gotta sell the house.. who would buy a house right now? the resell value went down too.. so we'd actually be losing money if we were to sell it.. and then washington?! omg not again... please no.
what about school?! for those trying to finish a major - there was this lady who was majoring in ethnic studies at sfstate, but because of the economy, budgets were cut for that department.. and she was forced to change majors. i mean, she could've switched schools.. but.. ethnic studies? ... "Secure" jobs seem the way to go. such as, yes.. family was right.. healthcare. business is iffy.. but do-able. "i just want to be stable". [that sounds familiar]. -sigh- we really have high expectations for you, obama. don't let us down...
on another note.
people talk.. and the ones who let it get to them make themselves look worse. i've heard about you, how you were before.. i understand you might not be that person Today... but can you really change someone? probably a little. probably a lot. but not completely. i have a little Thing, myself. just like you. anger can get the best of us. i know we've had our past, but now i'm just trying to understand you. you made your rep, so why not try to change it? anything that makes you mad, you immediately bring your guards up. super high. niggaplease. calm the fuck down. let it go. they're always gonna talk, but you formed that in their minds. you got something to say? shut your mouth and show it. Prove it, to yourself. i say congratulations for being so strong about it tho.. i'm probably boosting your ego right now. just stop. do yourself a favor. until then, you're the last of my issues.
ever wonder what keeps people going? what prevents them from giving up? the whole "push turns to shove" concept.. what's the motivation? inside everyone, theres this little spark of Hope. although it keeps getting tampered with, beat down, and brought right back up... it's still there. Hope prevails. it keeps us going. it brought me to where i am now.
speaking of "where i am now"... lately i've been in this cooking-mode. i made miso soup the other day ^_^. turned out awesomeeee. =). i think it might need a little less seaweed tho. next time. wanna make some too? this is how you make it::
-"dashi" - japanese soup stock. (comes in a packet. just add water)
-miso paste
-green onions
-tofu (i chose soft tofu)
soooooo simpo. i used 4c water with 2 tsp of dashi. bring that to a boil... yadda yadda.. cut up the tofu (as much as you'd like) in cubes.. lower the heat and add the tofu in. add 3 tbsp miso paste yum yum... oh i rinsed the seaweed, cut it up to thin strips and added some of that in too.. raised the heat again.. then saved the thinly sliced green onions for last. nom nom
then the other day i attempted to make eggs for judd the way he likes it and i made them extra crispy. lol. then the next time i made eggs for him, it turned out perfect. ^_^ i can make things right the next time around. =)
on THAT note..
theres people you might relate with completely and others where you're on the edge of your seat for their next reaction.. everyone is different (as i've repeated a number of times) and it can be a great thing.. or a thing of constant anticipation. hahha if you read that real quick it looks like constipation hahahahha. okay sorry. anyways. moving along.
still not done tomorrow is blackfriday. work 2-12. have fun being in line! bebacklater. happythanksgiving
stay tuned.
i've bunched a whole lotta new thoughts together for the past few days. they're about to burst our their bubble! i'd totally share them with you right now if i didn't have a speech due in a few hours.
so, until we meet again.
so, until we meet again.
adventures with j
(while studying for bio)
went to bestbuy for the wires. they were damn cheap!
ritz baked sourcream&onion chips are my favorite chips everrrrr ^_^ try them! walmart is always sold out so try like safeway or something.
almost done...
more days to come =) c<3j.
(while studying for bio)
hungry much?
before i walked in, i noticed a yelp sticker. and whoooamygosh i HAD to go in! usually, any restaurant with a yelp sticker SHOULD be worth going to. and boyyy was it good. =)

and maybe a movie yaa? oh.. wait.. look at the puppy... i think it's waiting for its owner..
k bye puppy... hope your owner comes out soon... =\
let's go to JACKSON! it was a random day, for a random event. i never been there, so might as well... =)
grabbed a lil suttin-suttin before we headed that way.
ta daa we're here alreadyyy! the stench of smoke and perfume wisped past me as i entered the door. old people at every corner! risking their money to "gain" more.. only to find that they're actually losing it... it was sad. just plain ol' sad. but hey! they're old, probably got an overload of retirement money saved up and dont know what to do with it.. plus they could be bored or maybe they just dont have enough time left.. so .. let the old people play.

this guy is actually young tho. he is willing to take the chance to win or lose his money. i would stop him but.. i thought, hmm. let's just see how well he plays.
ahahahaha! awww... sorry baby. better luck next time! =P
i would've taken pics of the blackjack table but the security cameras wouldn't allow me to. anyway, thanks to this experience i can actually say i like blackjack. if ever, i'd go again and play at the tables ;D.
isn't that the coolest exit sign?? bye bye jackson. until next time
more days to come =) c<3j.
mood & weather
i highly believe there is a correlation between the two. although it is true, you can be sad on sunny days, happy on rainy days.. then again.. that would mean that i just associated happy with sun, sad with rain. how is that?

we both make the noise *rawr*. haha.......ha.... 

people, tv, culture, experiences... that's why.
you already know. we all form our own definitions due to people, tv, culture, experiences, etc etc.. and when we actually MEET somebody.. you try to figure out, who did You meet? what shows do You watch? and what kinda culture are you currently in? what have you Been through? because those sort of things make up who. we. are.
step 1. Eyes
amazingly, getting to know a person in that sense means you first gotta have some sort of initial interest in the person such as.. hmm. LOOKS, maybe?
-__-. yea yea.. looks aren't everything.. but let's be honest here. looks come first. hah. "damnnn papi, you're gorgeous!" or "heyyy shawty got it going on!" ..the ridiculous shouts of hormones racing. saaaaave me from your immature libido. please!
[looks is just an example. personality can be one too. but what i'm saying is for step 1 you gotta have some sort of initial interest.]
step 2. Mouth, "The Foundation"
sadly, not too many people can make it to this step.. and some just skip it. [note that if any of those two apply to you, you are lacking step 1. skipping step 2 can lead to failure].
this step requires making the effort to get to know the person. communicating, questions, conversating, debates, jokes, stories.. get to know what Defines this person. who has this person talked to, what has he/she gone through that makes them who they are? analyze the person inside and out [mentally] and together you two will slowly start to Understand each other. without this step, re-evaluate step 1 or you accept that you have failed. miserably.
step 3. andddd... Action!
for some, after step 2, you might realize that this is NOT the person you want, so any further steps will not apply and you just drop the whole process. BUT say you've successfully achieved a huge chunk of step 2 down, you're ready for step 3. step 3 can be a plethora of different directions.. dates, frequent calling, hanging out, possibly sex [for the needy], or even dropping the person in all. this may also require a few things called "fluffs".. which is basically like sucking up/kissing ass. not only do you get to know the person, but get to know the people AROUND this person, to further bump up your status. and then...
step 4. Agreement.
you've got to know this person approximately 90%, but does this person know You? this person is also going to have to go through the steps prior to 4.. and with that, after successful accomplishments of all previous steps, acknowledge the "i like you" and make sure that you get an "i like you too". if not, DAMN you sure would seem like a stalker?
step 5. Territory
Claim it. yeah, lift your leg and piss on it. put a high-voltage barbed wire fence around it. make SURE that anyone who trespasses WILL be prosecuted. it is finally yours and you can do whatever you liiiike - t.i. =) keeping it, however, is a whole different subject on its own...
these steps don't necessarily have to apply to couples, but to relationships in general. could be making a friend, could be a family member, who knows. it's experimentally proven. just tryyy it. what's there to lose?
oh yeah. halloween was...
halloween was... yep you guessed it.
lol.. starbucks
the end goodnight goodbye adios zzzzzz 
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