other things i listen to include: my mom. my daddy. my teachers. my boss. my supervisor. my friends who are in need of an ear. music. internet. [i've eliminated television]
and you get a blank inanimate robot whose listening ears have been all-heared-out.

as if automatically programmed to please, the robot obeys what it is told. it takes in information, and translates it into action. it only uses the most minimal use of calculation [brain] to process all the information given, a spark from the battery [a milktea, maybe chocolate], and like a loyal soldier, it is ready to operate.
usually the orders would be wake up, go to school/work, do your homework, eat, sleep, repeat. but that's only 1 set of orders. from all those listed in the above paragraphs, how does a robot operate with multiple orders?
A basic robot is designed to handle one at a time. The more improved robot is designed to multitask flawlessly. I personally believe the improved robots have the advantage in this. Like a Robo3000 AND 1 !!
eventually your Wants are the evils, Needs are the goods, anyone to convince you otherwise is a nagger... when all comes at once, where have your listening skills gone besides one ear and out the other?
like a robot who has overrode the programs it initially had! slight-advancement maybe?
so for those basic robots out there, HOW DO WE GET THEM TO MULTITASK LIKE THE NEW&IMPROVED ONES? do they have a boss-level? are they "born again"? do they go to a transition factory where they are rebuilt? reprogrammed? what is it! where is it?!
and how can i get it?
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