
quick to judge.

sometimes you can't rely on one-sided perspectives. if you take the time to view your situation in a different light, it's not so bad after all!

1) everything isn't always based off first impression.

(although first impressions mean a LOT; i'd have to save that for another blog). i am a firm believer in second chances... so just wait it out for a bit longer! let the brand new friendship marinate for a bit, and wait for their true colors to come out. naturally.

2) so their true colors show. now what.

from here, you can decide if you want to go on with this person or not, cuz by this time, you'd already have a good idea of your future friendship. if you're liking it, that's a green light. (for those of you who might not know, green light = go for it). if not, well...

3) think about it this way.

maybe to you, you personally wouldn't want to be close friends with this person. but think aside for a second.. this is how this person naturally is. in short, "it is what it is" or "it be like that sometimes". lol. it might be difficult for some, but try to accept this person for who he/she is. for example, say i don't want to be friends with a coke addict who sniffs on a weekly basis. but, if i accept that person as a sniffer and get to know the true person inside, they're not so bad after all. or, say i just met a super valley girl like omg totally. if i muted out all her like's, omg's, and totally's, perhaps i could get to know her as a friend, and not somebody who i would have originally ignored.

however, in some cases, there there are clear distinctions of why this person is not a good "friend" candidate. of course you don't want to make friends with a rapist, convict, pedophile, etc..! let's be logical here! you always have a choice!


4) why miss out on a possible friendship?

don't let your judgement get in the way of your possible friendship. (or any other person's judgement). take the one-on-one approach and get to know the person. "all the bullshit to the side"

the more the merrier!


1 comment:

Emilee......♥ said...

hey, i love your metaphores, yuh should check out ma blogg, i write poetry...kinda... ? once again i love your workkkk, ♥