you said you were going to, so do it.
i'm the type of girl who won't step in front of you. i'm actually either right beside you, or right behind you. but don't confuse me with an accessory. coz i'm not. and somebody pleeease tell me that my size has nothing to do with it.
something i don't know.
and i'll show you.
as you all may know, i'm indecisive. i dont give a fuck if you dont like that or not. haha. but hey. that's me. it's hard for me to make decisions because well, i'm scared of the possibilities. someone once told me i get attached easily. i guess i do. make me happy, &i'll cling to you like a magnet. make me sad, &i'll still hope to get that happy feeling i had in the beginning. WELL FUCK THAT INDECISIVENESS
look. i'm sorry that i've missed out on a few things.. you can say i'm stupid for knowing what i'm getting myself into. SURE. you can always tell me, "oh, i've BEEN there, DONE that and it aint SHIT. don't do it" ordering me around to stay in a protective bubble. well unfortunately for me i've been restricted from living a normal life like everyone else and i can't say that "i been there, done that" coz i wouldn't have known FOR SURE unless i EXPERIENCED IT now would i?
don't expect me to listen because i want to experience it tooooo.. just like everyone else did. just like any normal 19 goin on 20 year old did. i just hate being left out. =(
i got a picture for you guys. (i brought my camera this time)
oh yeah me n rachel took out the speedbumps by my house. that was fun for a quick moment. haha. those were damn annoying tho.
CONGRATS CASSANDRA for passing i'm so freakin proud haha
sd in jan; stayin w/ crystal. i'm excited. after, i'll tell you my opinion about sororities.
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