money honey
summer, that is
after months of assiduous re-evaluation of finding the right environment,
i'm like a chameleon who hasn't quite perfected this shade of color. ? at this rate, i'm tweakin a rainbow
and lovin it. =) although i do have my homesick days, boredom is my motivation. [thnx manda]
i just dont fully understand how some people can sit in the same place for hours, days, years? union city is still my "hometown", but it's about time to disperse.
the temperature's rising, and so are emotions. [i've said that in a previous blog haha] it's time to get out and time to step out of my comfort zone and fuckn go for it.
"goooo forrrr itttt!!" - down for anything & everything =D. !
hahaha .. get ready for an epic summer!
all i am.
sittin patient, steady waiting.
tired of frontin' like everything's okay.
who am i kidding.
dear god,
show me what it is you want me to see.
this looks actually worth going to:

btw, tomorrow's my first day at Chase. i'm nervous. i'm still in uc. i have a headache. I..... really don't care for companies that require a mask.
i miss these guys.

i'm leaving soon. hope that'll relieve you. all of you.
this heat is pissin me off. woosah, beeitch. woosah.
AGHH you're pissin me off too
show me what you got
i'm so homesick!
comfortable, convenient, and love - of course. *sigh*
picture overload this time!
if you notice you're going to the same restaurant, ordering the same thing every single time you go there.. might as well diy!
so before, i honestly wasn't much into these.. then after going to annie's bday awhile back and tasting her homemade oyster dip; MAN that was good. =) now i don't pass these up!
rachel's "if i ruled the world" face
herra random night. bf nia came by and we just drove like there was no tomorrow. surprised visited kessy at her work - which was closed when we got there -__-. hungry - jack's. dj calls - met up with The Guys at Dj's. simon remembers nia, hahaha. seriously tho, its been like 5 years wtf.
kessy calls - and we take the looooongest detour to her; getting lost on 92 and stopping by industrial off baumberg to chill by the sprinklers. ahhhhh i miss nia! ^_^. finally we get to kessy's thing in hayward. the people were gone, but the party wasn't over. lol. totally filipino-ing it, we karaoke'd and that's when i heard a rooster. yeah. a rooster.
"do you... have a loud alarm clock in the garage, or is that a rooster??"
"yeah, they have a rooster! wanna see?"
pre-mother's day eating spree.
newark just opened a new buffet place with the most awesome food. chillin with OG
across the street @ newark park.
tony's birthday. =)
happy 21st tones =)then, drove to gabe's kick-it(?) [sorry no pics.] that was definitely an interesting experience lol. but hey, theres a first for everything, right? never knew he could stay on a bacon joke thaaat long.. hahaha
and THEN, picked up nick, went to visit bf kessy. as usual, she's hungry. so we grab a bite at tgi's. then of course she wants dessert. .. free dessert.
let's just pretend it's nick's bday..FREE ICE CREAM
hahahaha! =P
ATTEMPTED to create a mother's day picture in the fabric section of walmart. too bad their photo center is closed on weekends... -_-
mother's day 09.
mom likes thai.so does this one
daddy = star trek nerd. then he got me into it too, when i was younger. so me n daddy have been watching star trek for quite sometime and THIS is the GREATEST thing that has ever happened!
THE MOVIE!!! new characters, but exxxcellent acting! plus, chris pine is a hottie =) im at the edge of my seat throughout the movie and there are a few references to morality which we can relate. =) we tried.
"hey you should eat your pho"
"oh please"
oh yea. we're getting our carpet removed. downstairs only. turn it into tiles. you know what that means...... =) =) =)the ladies:
gabe's bday.
studied. went with him to get his lobes. ate. [btw, i wanna get my cartilage done again!] went to visit sam at newpark. she's my secret lover. ;D. then BJ's! my camera was dying =T sorrryyy. see gabe's for pics. happy 21st =)
sam's bday.
after bio, [yes, cupertino] i went straight to newark sbux to meet up with the beautiful sam. all dressed up, SURPRISE leland and nick show up. off to tgi's...
[no pics yet sorray!]
hahaha sam had hella drinks but nevertheless happy 21st sammy! <3.>
i miss being home =(. roach in the passenger seat lip syncing to the radio and getting tap, seeing The Trio, The Guys... =( man. santa clara and cupertino dont have those things! buttttt i guess it's better this way. i need my fun.. in moderation. everyone's turning 21!!
oh but being 21 is only the start of it.. hahaha ;P
btw, happy birthday to my 'lesbo lover' Sam =)
i love coca cola!
currently taking a break from reality to update my fellow blog readers about my whereabouts. do they care? [i will never know.]
alright. so here's the plan, mmkay?
1)cupertino [x]
2)uc [x]
3)sunnyvale []
4)cupertino []
5)uc []
6)santa clara []
how the heck. i drive like no other. gimme an ipod fm transmitter or eh i might as well buy myself a deck with the ipod outlet when i get my first paycheck.
i'm in that shopping-mood coz it's been awhile.
andddd i still need to update. lots of pics coming up.
let's ride =)
faith roots run deep
hypothesis: If there is a Pacquiao Fight, then babysitting + food is necessary.
materials: pacquiao fight, parentals that provide the kids, food, camera.
procedure: 1) turn on the tv to HBO, 2) have parentals sit & watch, 3) have kids roam around the house freely, 4) eat, 5) observe
initial boredom. (that's jamie; she has an eyepatch on. she needs it to fix her "ice")
conclusion: subjects required constant activity and sugar in order for regulation to occur. the fight had nothing to do with their activities, however, go manny for finishing in 2 rounds!
i know i shouldn't be online right now, but Im feelin like releasing some thoughts. don't worry, releasing thoughts isn't necessarily "venting". usually "venting" is referred to as the steam that comes out when Angry. psh, i'd get a diary/xanga for that. this, is a blog. and this, has purpose.
hmmmm where should i start.
with 2 tests tomorrow and a due date for a urine/fingerprints sample, i'm quite stressed for a Monday. lucky for me, a simple look to the ceiling and a glimpse of hope is all i need to keep me strong.
After taking a 1 month breather from blogging, I noticed a change in personality. Now, this could be due to the change of culture, the change of friends, or even the absence of friends.. or all of the above. I'm not quite sure, but I like it.
during that 1 month, I've gone to an 18+ club -_-, watched fanny pak perform, went to the entrance of a 21+ club, had my "friends" un-invite me to their events, yea fuck you, watched wolverine, was reunited with a long long best friend from 5 years ago, had absolutely no contact with a close someone, reunited with The Trio, got a person to go against their beliefs, switched roles with Cassandra, broke 2 hearts, threw up, got a new job that pays me more than my previous, found a cheap chevron close to the house, went on a date, and found out that there can be happiness in independence.
never said that there is.
overall, life is better. i've talked to my counselor too, and i finally have direction. WOOT
i'm slowly accepting of this new life, and i'm content with it. even despite the fact that there are downtimes =). it's in constant change, the way life should be.
I guess you can say.. i'm over drama, over typical shit, over being tied-back. I'm over it.
There are sooo many challenges in life that occur.. tests.. to further figure out who you are. Sorry but, sometimes you gotta figure things out the hard way. =T
i just keep telling myself;
ANYTHING is possible.
"backs to the past"