comfortable, convenient, and love - of course. *sigh*
picture overload this time!
if you notice you're going to the same restaurant, ordering the same thing every single time you go there.. might as well diy!
so before, i honestly wasn't much into these.. then after going to annie's bday awhile back and tasting her homemade oyster dip; MAN that was good. =) now i don't pass these up!
rachel's "if i ruled the world" face
herra random night. bf nia came by and we just drove like there was no tomorrow. surprised visited kessy at her work - which was closed when we got there -__-. hungry - jack's. dj calls - met up with The Guys at Dj's. simon remembers nia, hahaha. seriously tho, its been like 5 years wtf.
kessy calls - and we take the looooongest detour to her; getting lost on 92 and stopping by industrial off baumberg to chill by the sprinklers. ahhhhh i miss nia! ^_^. finally we get to kessy's thing in hayward. the people were gone, but the party wasn't over. lol. totally filipino-ing it, we karaoke'd and that's when i heard a rooster. yeah. a rooster.
"do you... have a loud alarm clock in the garage, or is that a rooster??"
"yeah, they have a rooster! wanna see?"
pre-mother's day eating spree.
newark just opened a new buffet place with the most awesome food. chillin with OG
across the street @ newark park.
tony's birthday. =)
happy 21st tones =)then, drove to gabe's kick-it(?) [sorry no pics.] that was definitely an interesting experience lol. but hey, theres a first for everything, right? never knew he could stay on a bacon joke thaaat long.. hahaha
and THEN, picked up nick, went to visit bf kessy. as usual, she's hungry. so we grab a bite at tgi's. then of course she wants dessert. .. free dessert.
let's just pretend it's nick's bday..FREE ICE CREAM
hahahaha! =P
ATTEMPTED to create a mother's day picture in the fabric section of walmart. too bad their photo center is closed on weekends... -_-
mother's day 09.
mom likes does this one
daddy = star trek nerd. then he got me into it too, when i was younger. so me n daddy have been watching star trek for quite sometime and THIS is the GREATEST thing that has ever happened!
THE MOVIE!!! new characters, but exxxcellent acting! plus, chris pine is a hottie =) im at the edge of my seat throughout the movie and there are a few references to morality which we can relate. =) we tried.
"hey you should eat your pho"
"oh please"
oh yea. we're getting our carpet removed. downstairs only. turn it into tiles. you know what that means...... =) =) =)the ladies:
gabe's bday.
studied. went with him to get his lobes. ate. [btw, i wanna get my cartilage done again!] went to visit sam at newpark. she's my secret lover. ;D. then BJ's! my camera was dying =T sorrryyy. see gabe's for pics. happy 21st =)
sam's bday.
after bio, [yes, cupertino] i went straight to newark sbux to meet up with the beautiful sam. all dressed up, SURPRISE leland and nick show up. off to tgi's...
[no pics yet sorray!]
hahaha sam had hella drinks but nevertheless happy 21st sammy! <3.>
i miss being home =(. roach in the passenger seat lip syncing to the radio and getting tap, seeing The Trio, The Guys... =( man. santa clara and cupertino dont have those things! buttttt i guess it's better this way. i need my fun.. in moderation. everyone's turning 21!!
oh but being 21 is only the start of it.. hahaha ;P
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