it is currently finals week and i feel like blogging to release a few thoughts that have slowly built up in my head this past month.
march 12th 2009 - my 21st birthday.
march 12th 2009 - my 21st birthday.
went to school and had a quick debate about internet's usefulness with communication. note to boys: don't ever get at a girl by passing your phone to her and have a text of what you were to have said in person but was too shy to do so. it's just wrong. i shake my head in shame. in terms of "communication", in-person is always the best way to go. after that, left cupertino & headed to yoswirl. thanks for the news; i can't tell whether to be happy or sad..
HELLLA rushed home and showered super late. manda & kessy came to help me get pretty. ty =). first & foremost, thank you all for attending. =) i love having all my close friends there, even if you're all from different groups. basically, that whole section i had reserved at tomodachi's showed all the many sides of cheryl; each table representing a "side". lol. i love that though; variety, diversity. not just one specific and possibly biased group - it's a mix. ^_^ oh, and thank you to those who got me sakebombs and to kevs who bought the me & the whole table's food. haha =)
surprisingly after that night i didnt do shit. i felt like chillin? and that's what i did; w/ bffs amanda & kessy. i wanted to save the yackin' for another awesome night. hahaha =). special thanks to amanda & kessy for helping me get ready the hour my bday started haha. [i was super late] and thanks to all for the gifts =). being 21 didnt hit me that night. or even the next night. it semi-hit me on saturday; i'll get back to you on that though.
march 13th; rhian's 21st.
rhian was so silly on her bday. too bad i missed out on the yack-scene in the karaoke room, but i still came through. i liked rhian's thing though, a karaoke room is all you need to have fun =D. hahaha. really though! if you all know the songs then it's all g! haven't seen a few of these people in awhiiiiiile...
from L-R: tyson; 's leaving for sd soon. i; look fugly. angela; since 5th grade zomg! danny; he's gay. kessy; bff blinked. haha. there are more pics w/ bday girl but in other people's cameras.. =(. i brought mine, but left the battery in the charger at daddy's house. =(. funstuff though, never thought i remembered spicegirls and britney spears' lyrics lol. i mean seriously, if you have fun doing that and your friends sing along with you; you can have a good-ass time! hahaha. it's oldschool stuff, and i miss it ever-so.
march 14th; what a fckn agenda.
woke up and went to mccormick&shmick's for lunch. yum & thank you. got a disturbing-yet-exciting phonecall from daddy, saying "go to dnb's". after the lunch, i find out daddy had a surprise bday for me at dnbs with my cuzzos + fam. i totally rocked at pool that day. hahaha. daddy's side is so much more fun.
yes i have 1/2white cousins. lol kirk
kinda blurry but those were the girlies playing pool. me n nancy totally won.
THEN we watched watchmen. thumbsdown for the blueman. omg he was so horrible. and the ending. i applaud the characters though, my favorite was rorschach. BEST SCENE goes to rorschach's prison cafeteria scene: "You're all locked in here with ME" zomg was aweeeeesomeeeee!! hahaha. i loved his character. very reserved with a hidden dominance to him. all of it is complete confidence in one view of life: HIS. go watch that scene tho bluh.
ate @ the coconut grove then straight to uc.
entourage @ motif downtown sj.
kessy & david drove down to uc then kessy decides to grab a lil suttin-suttin at kaenyama's off automall. i met her kuya mark, an awesome guy who has a hellofa lot of hookups. lucky for us, drinks were on the house =). we paid for the sushi and headed to motif. we almost didn't go due to current events that made us feel down, but for the sake of the night, we pushed forward. we get there and the club across the street apparently looked crackin' [wet], but they were so packed that we couldn't get in.
so we're in motif and it seemed dead. couple mins pass, and some asian dude starts to chat w/ us. "you want something to drink?" us: "^_^ " him: "okay". haaaaahahahha! so we drink and it still didnt seem satisfying enough. kessy says "i wonder what's upstairs..." so she works her magic and next thing i know we're fckn upstairs and its helllllla crackin!
hahaha.. asian dude [luan] introduces us to some of his friends and his homeboy robbie [my bad for calling you david? blame it on the -]. so we dance like baydestrians goin dumb in a ladylike fashion all night havin a fuckn blast. lol. btw, a note to girls: the guys dont grab you, they actually make-way for you. oh and you can dance w/ a drink in your hand. THAT is how you know you're at a 21+club! hahaha =). when the music died down, we went downstairs to chop it up w/ luan and robbie. they both seemed super cool so we offered to drive them to their car. said our goodbyes, and goodnight.
no pics tho, coz i cant find the photographer for that night. =( sawrry.
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