don't mess with my head.
your shit won't work on me.
finals are done and i've finished my first quarter at de anza. it's officially spring break.. and i'm ready to get out. i love driving with no agenda.
one of my other loves is tapioca express. [fashooo!]. so i hit up tap, grab a classic milk tea and some squid. i love the squid okay don't hate! anywho, after that quick food-satisfaction, off to quizno's. i started to go off on a tangent about household families. your current household family status can tell you a lot about a person. take for example a little girl who grew up without a daddy. mothers comfort, daddies take the management position. (in a perfect world). [speaking of that, keri hilson's new album is the SHIT!] anywho, without a daddy to set the rules, that little girl will be so accustomed to mother's comforting.. therefore, = spoiled brat! poor girl, did she know that daddy had to leave? nope. mommy's gonna have to do this on her own. i feel for those families... not everyone is perfect. hang in there.. that little girl will grow up eventually.
clean out.
i wasn't exactly prepared to go clubbing or party on a friday night because it seems like ever since i started college, Thursdays and Saturdays are the new "Fridays". so what does that leave for college students on friday nights? 18+ clubs? heck no. trust me, there are way more things to do than go clubbing all the time, or hang out at starbucks everynight of that matter.
i wasn't exactly prepared to go clubbing or party on a friday night because it seems like ever since i started college, Thursdays and Saturdays are the new "Fridays". so what does that leave for college students on friday nights? 18+ clubs? heck no. trust me, there are way more things to do than go clubbing all the time, or hang out at starbucks everynight of that matter.
i never had the chance to check out downtown hayward. trees were lit by strings of lights all throughout the strip. looking left to right, theres a unique store or restaurant i never heard of. plazas get a little tiring and repetitive after awhile, if you catch my drift. this aint no union landing, that's for sure.
went to a italian restaurant on the strip and zomg their conchiglie is the freakn Best i ever tasted man, the portion was just right, the chicken was tender, the broccoli was a little scarce though, and the cream sauce omfg yum! thanks for the food.
took some old shit out my car. [thanks] even though it's free, i'd rather not keep something that isn't mine. purely out of respect for other people's things. if i really wanted it, i'd rather earn my own money to call it my own. just a cheryl thing.
[remind me to insert pictures]
i respect my past, but i won't disrespect myself. meaning... i'll have an open ear for anyone in need, but i'd prefer not to be.. (hmm.. how shall i say this..) used? 
anyway, went to the beach finally. it's the best place to release your thoughts, without having anyone around. just clear skies, and waves..
passed by a mall that was FILLED with filipinos. omfg i never seen so many in my life. guess which mall?
it's sad how they "advertise" animals. they might change the words up a bit; "For Adoption". but really, it means "For Sale"
=( poor yorkie.
family time.
rachel's about to pass me up in height! wtf! haha. i was kneeling a little bit in that pic tho.are you relevant?
woke up at 11:03am on a sunday and called immediately. "where are you? ! i just woke up!" "an exit away." whew. we still have time. today, was Paula White. and oh my, were we in for a surprise. 

she's awesome. fantasmic. great. ^_^.
this is what she shared..
being relevant is the ability to connect/relate to a situation. it consists of 3 parts; connection, compassion, and cover. [sounds weird, but it'll make sense.]
1) connection.
you are not alone. (duh). as humans, sure - we may have our differences that define us for who we are, but we're basically the same. it's just a matter of looking at the big picture, rather than the details. you could say oh, he's not the one! the grass is greener on the other side! niggaplease. the grass is greener where you water it.

2) compassion.
there is a clear distinction between sympathy and empathy. sympathy is where you feel exactly what the other is going through, due to experience n whatnot.. but Empathy, on the other hand, is imagining/understanding/intellectual identification for another person's thoughts. Feel for that person, put yourself in their shoes. you can give your advice, but the real advice is yourself. your life is the sermon. 

no matter who it is, no matter what they're going through, love them anyways. [reference to first blog entry]. you can say "i been through this, you don't understand that".. but what you've Done is not who you Are. with that said, your examples can only go so far. another person's decisions are not your responsibility.
3) are you covered?
being covered is the feeling of being safe, valued, protected. in times of crisis, whatever is inside of you will come out. naturally, it happens. right? each "crisis" is like an opportunity.. just when something great is about to happen, the worse comes to worst. perfect! don't fight the process. stop reacting, and start responding. god's positioning you for something great, whether it be a breakthrough or a slight change in your life, an upgrade... that's exactly the perfect timing for a crisis.. because something was meant to come out of you. this is where You become relevant.

on another note, i've come to dislike smooth sailing because it's like being in stagnant waters; nothing changes, nothing is improving. it almost worries me when everything is going just fine...

if you don't Know better, you won't Do better. ex.: if all you know is one option, then that's what you get. nothing more, nothing less. if you surround yourself with what you Don't Know, check yourself - you might come to realization. 

no matter what you're going through, no matter what humanistic "earthly" thoughts you might possess, god still loves you. =)
so do i. 
all the things you went through, prepares you.
Ready for the ride?
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