saturday there were options...
open house party
but instead i was bought by $55 to this thinger called an "Encounter". it's where people come up in front of a podium and discuss their life changing events in order to help YOU out.
that whole deal lasted from 8-5, sitting next to mother and a whole bunch of other women. (the men had their own room.) everyone was older than me, mostly moms and single women .. and there was a point where everyone in the room cried atleast once, except me. i wondered, why am i not crying?! i feel it, but no tears? then a lady came from behind me n mom, and without knowing us she pinpointed our situation exactly and prayed with us. tears started to flow uncontrollably...
there was something about that experience that left me with a smile and a better mindset.. there will be better days with this in mind. =)
one word: refreshing.
how much is enough? where do you draw the line/ give up/ stop? should you ever give up? honestly, no. pussy. are there times where you have to stop? yes.
but DO you draw the line? what's holding you back? why is there a doubt in your head???
sometimes the situation at hand can be very upsetting, and people might want to stray from that. or they are just unaccepting of the real world scenario.. so, they say things that they didn't mean to say.
unfortunately for those on the other end, we will never know unless confronted - and i thank you for that.with that said, Do Your Thang. and i'll do mine.
lucky me, i turn legal this thursday. 21 ya beeeezyyy! i'm so excited. 21. i can officially order things off tv, walk into 21+ events without worrying, buy alcohol & get carded, go to vegas, and all that extra shnazz... care to join?
a slight change of thought. what is the American Dream? typically, we see happiness in family, success, and fame. what exactly does that mean though? first thoughts: 2 story house w/ a green lawn, a family with kids and a dog, and some ballin' ass cars parked on the driveway. ferraris, preferably. i found out that I currently reside in what is called a "track home". track homes are your typical 2 story houses that are the exact same-4 models that are closely built together and hardly distinct from each other.
if you think about it, most americans dream for the same thing - the same robot-like houses, the happyfamily, the money. how did we come about with that thought? tv? what the government sets up for us? the dream is easily drawn... like kb homes; efficient visions of success don't forget to make room for more? everyone can dream! dream the same thing! somewhere, aside from all the media and american androids who have persuaded you, there is a Real dream. you might want to step out of US boundaries to find it...
meanwhile, bff amanda pointed out about our ancestries. for the both of us, our families grew up with the mindset that 'we had it hard back in the days'. the life in our old countries was horrible; always cleaning, poor quality homes, maybe not even a home?, scruffy lifestyles, etc.. so we (family) moved to the US in hope of a better future, a better place to live with higher standards in quality - yes; that is why we are here. we show much more appreciation for these "robot-homes", and for those who are spoiled, (us), they show bore with "the everyday" in the US, when really it's such an honor to be here
i dunno if that made any sense. whatevers. next topic:
newly downloaded: google chrome. (
i have been using avant browser for 3? years now, and i still think avant is the fastest browser i've had, minus the lag of my uber old man-made computer. internet explorer is by far the slowest, and i haven't used mozilla enough to know it's capabilities.. but this new chrome thing is quite interesting. it reminds me of apple products. hella easy to use, simple/minimal design, does the zooming thing. and personally, i like it. it's still undergoing some upgrades and loading might be a little slow - then again that depends on your computer speeds n such. check it out; if anything you can always remove it later. =]
**** 4 stars!
Some Foods Yum Nom-Nom
the other day i found yet another yogurt place by my school: diy yogurt.
have a nice day. thank you for your time
birthday part2 in the wrx
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