if you do the math,
living (somewhat) on your own + a raise in your paycheck $$$ + awesome boyfriend + being around good people + graduating this month - minor day-to-day complaints = overall, life is swell.
as most of you know, dad has left the building (home) for about 2+ months now. he probably migrated down south of california, where employment rates appear to be rising. he's honestly never told me. none, zip, nada. don't think he ever will. but he's safe, and he's making his own money, and he calls to check on me everyday. i'm happy for him. =)
as for my other boyfriend..
just celebrated our 1 year!

spotted banksy! some dumbos edited it tho. -_-

fauncy dinner for two!

(i look weird in that picture)
then dinner day 2 !

and i'm happy to announce the return of Cassandra! wooooooo! she hasn't come out to play yet, but we're finally able to talk to each other on the phone again. it's a start. =) i miss her and i'll always be here for her. (left)
i... went to a big sean concert ? hah.. some guy who likes to say "boiii" a lot.

"finally famous over everythaaang"
if there were such thing as second-hand smoking from weed, i probably caught it at the concert. HELLAsmoke.
pardon my old 6mp camera. -_- i wanna new one! scratch that.. *need
new favorite bar - Single Barrel! usually when i find a good thing, i like to share.. but in this case, i'd prefer to keep this gem exclusive. from the customer service, to the decor, to the ambience, and especially to their rare drinks catered to your liking... i rate this place 100 stars and beyond. i would tell you guys what it's like inside, but i think it would ruin my credibility. you HAVE to go there in person to get the full experience. yes; it's not just a bar, it's an EXPERIENCE. their name is all i'll give.. once you find it, you wont be disappointed! promise.
my program finishes this month and im super excited! THIS MONTH! i'll gain experience in the field and then we'll see where it goes from there. chemistry, however, was never my strongest subject to begin with. blegh. anywho, i am featured in a video, for those who are considering the program. i look very very ugly. here's the link. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_QYsMJggHUA
hahhhh... *blush*
my birthday's this saturday and i have no clue what to do! a dinner with babe at _________ (he still hasn't decided yet). im down for anything.. i wanted to go to miyakes in palo alto like how ashley s. did, but my friends are all broke so exnay that place. =( i want a few things for my bday, but it seems like as the years go by, the list gets smaller, and more pricey. like, a new car! for example. or, a new apartment to call my own! or, a flatscreen tv! or, a camera! (well, that's not TOO pricey) or skydiving!
but there is one thing that i really want that's not pricey at all.. a turtle! yes, another turtle. aeolus & vishnu grew way too big.. here's a size comparison of Aeolus.

yup. crazy. for my next victim, i wanna keep him baby-sized. small turtles are just cuter, and easier to manage. i heard that the bigger the tank, the bigger the turtles get. hence Aeolus' picture above. they were quite healthy! haha. i'd love to get a map turtle with spikes.. *hint to anyone who's reading this*
other than those listed above, i haven't really learned much in terms of blog topics. i guess this time in my life is all evaluation and planning. i'm starting to get more conscious of my health, simply from evaluating other people's lives. some are getting fatter, some are fit with muscles now, and others are still eating out at fastfood joints. there are a lot of things to consider; stress, hormonal levels, and sleep to name a few. so i'm watching out for myself. better to start early, than later. i've even started using an eye cream for my eyes so i don't get under-eye circles or dark spots when i'm older! haha.. and iono about your friends, but it seems like babies are popping out everywhere! soon enough, my schedule will be filled with babyshowers and weddings o_o. fuuuuck.. in terms of babies, i'm definitely not ready for one yet. i have to tackle one goal at a time. but, from observing how children are getting raised, im getting a few ideas of how i wanna raise mine. &taking notes. what not to do, that's for sure. haha. i guess i did learn a few things after all?
wellps, i got a practical tomorrow and written exam next week so i guess i this is where i conclude. i'll report back when i have something to blog about.
continue on! =)