firsta all, it was my stepgrandmother mamang 's birthday. mother told me hella last minute. actually, an hour before the celebration started. so i called cassandra while my phone was dying, "sorry i'm stuck w/ the fam for a bit. i'll call you after". riiiiight. fyi and for future reference, when i say "the fam" that usually means FILIPINO TIME. i'm sure you all know what that is.. SUPER LAG!
we eat at this thai restaurant by decoto. turns out that the only people who came were us; me, rachel, mother, tito roy, stepbrother john and his soon-to-be-wife kaori. that's it. where were the other sons? my other stepbrothers? my stepcousins? aunties and uncles and whatnot? out of all people WHY did I have to go!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! -sigh-. no offense to mamang. sorry. i guess i just really wanted to be with my friends that day. we planned it out before hand, then mom went ahead and ruined it. again.
on a positive note, the food was good. *dimple* =T
mother promised me that i would be able to hang out with my friends later that night. cheaa riiiiight. the dinner started at around 545, ended at around 745? [overapproximation due to Super Lag]. there was a mass going on at st. anne's [tito roy's church] so all of us drove over there to listen to the message. there i was, folding my arms and crossing my legs, waiting for mom's promise to come true. alla sudden tito roy snaps at me and says, "you live at your mom's house. you have to listen to her. if you dont like her rules, then you can live with your dad. it's getting annoying." WOWWWWW. how disrespectful of me.
anyways, mass didn't have a common topic. it ended at 1005 and i didn't get to escape until 11. i got a missed call from kessy.. turns out she already talked all the things she needed to say.. suggested that perhaps we can chill again some other day.. --___--
Why oh why Super Lag. Whyyyyy
angered & ready to punch a dickhole, i step on the gas. the car accelerates ever-so-slowly.. laugh. out. loud.
Tapioca it is.
i woke up to the sunlight. the best way to wake up. but bliss can only last for so long...... *knock knock*. grandma asks me to help her set up the christmas tree. IT'S NOT EVEN THANKSGIVING YET. ... and i made plans. =(
she hurries me to eat breakfast and help out w/ the fake-plastic-christmas-symbolizing-house-decor-that-doesn't-even-need-to-be-set-up-yet.
we ate pho on King. Pho, with a few limeslices, basil, and a thai ice tea w/ no pearls. *heaven*. ^_^ after eating/sipping that shit, we walked it off at santana row. what a lovely place to go.
the only store that i can actually buy something at* santana row is urban. so i was walkin around, so far with one thing in my hand. it was as if my eyes shopped faster than i could pick! then i was rudely interrupted by impatience - and i came out with nothing. again. don't ever let your feelings surge so high, then drop so low.. because they will.. i repeat.. THEY WILL.. drop very low. apologies in this case, do not work. maybe a milk tea.. [i'll get back to that later]
we BOTH came out with nothing. so why not watch beowulf? YEAH! didn't get to see it in imax because of the time. century was our closest resort. and hey! we ran into james melody joel and i saw shareezy too. anywho - the graphics were pretty detailed and all i could imagine was the future of movie making. if actors died, they could still be alive. through graphic arts! i could still be alive, through graphic arts! i think it was star wars that gave me that idea awhile back; when i die, i will make a hologram of myself to the one i love. haha. okay my mind is running off on tangents.. anywaysss beowulf just reminds me of 300 because beowulf's character was very much like King Leonidas. makes me wanna go *GYARGHH* afterwards. hahaha
already on 880, we decided to go to Top Cafe. beef chowfun and a milktea. that's right - a milktea. in a huge to-go cup as a mattafact. i couldn't stop smiling and i couldn't take my hands off it. I LOVE MILKTEA
sunday woke up at 9:20 called cassandra vince kessy aiza. picked up vince, met up cassandra & aiza at decoto.. kessy couldn't make it. actually, kessy's phone was off. we hopped in the van & drove off to san jose. they all loved the vibe right when they walked in. we all heard what we needed to hear. =). these are my notes:
i'm glad to know i've made SOME sort of difference in someone's life. but i have to give credit to cassandra too because together we both brought our friends to church. ^_^. soon, everyone will know what we're talkin about. ;) if not, you're missin out.
after, we ate pho. i know right, pho again?? well for me - not this time. i ordered a rice plate. a good one. and a thai ice tea of course. then the sudden idea of Tennis dawned upon us. YEAH! i called michelle nelmida and asked if i could pick up the tennis rackets & tennis balls. cassandra needed to change shoes and so did i and so did aiza.. so we went to my heeze to change. cabello was full damnit so we went to aiza's heeze. so SHE got to change too! yee. all set. so basically we played tennis in san leandro [?] where the sun wasn't makin our eyes chinky and the weather was just right. it was perfect!
we attempted to call kessy so she could hang. aiza had to go tho. boo. so we picked up kessy. look how fast it got dark.the end of the night was satisfying. but not satisfying enough. i was angered by someone who thinks i'm a taxicab driver. but honestly, since they ARE my bestfriends, i am not bothered by it one bit. it may bother you, but i know my friends will be there when they eventually get their cars. it's not like i see them everyday. ahemm. bestfriends are always exceptions. happiness included. don't block it. please.
overall, i had a great time this weekend. we should do this again. i need money tho. grr.
it`s not up to me anymore
if you want me in your life
you`ll find a way to put me there.
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