
character deficiency; a story

driving back to uc, i turn on the radio in the hollow and stupid assembled, disassembled, then reassembled dash kit... and after a couple switches of stations, i slowly started to get a feel for the songs. to those this may apply to, you probably remember me obnoxiously rehearsing the out-played lyrics of mainstream music when a favorite tune is on the stations of (and it goes in this numerical order) 89.3, 94.9, 99.7, 102.5, or 106.1 along with the incorrect facial expressions and jiggy movements that do not match the songs. with all this happening, you STILL must remember that the tires are still spinning, the roads still have signs that you must abide to, there are other automobilists about your lanes, LIGHTS, and patrols hidden in spots you would have never known that you MUST be aware of. how the heck do you handle a horrible singing girl in the passenger/driver seat to such blasting music?!?! how do you handle a heavy load of instantaneous things happening at once?

yeaaa... such weird nature. but yet, it is still nature, or natural to me. [laugh all you want haha].

and that was the first spark of a flashback.

i finally reach home and head for amandalene's house. *ahhh*, i thought. *i'm back in the areaaa*. while conversating with amanda, i came to notice we both started adding in english accents with our phrases. *whoa*, i thought. *haven't heard any accents from myself in awhile*.

second spark.

just conversating in general.. take a random topic, and add pile after pile of memories/experiences to the fire of the conversation. past few days i've been quiet as hell, alone to myself and not exactly conversating at all... but when i came back to uc, conversations started to flow out my head like no other..

third spark.

those were only a few characteristics that i haven't seen in awhile. what defines cherylness has either left the building, or it has matured. i'm leaning towards, "left the building", but i want it to come back. naturally. wheres the cheryl in cherylness?! what happened to your "horrible singing, 'juh a litt'o bit', yeah yeah yeah i remember that time!" girl go? so quiet, so reserved, so curious... bring me back. bring it out of me.

"i miss you" simply won't do; it ought to be an "i miss You"

i'm still Here
bring her back

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