there's been so much going on lately i can't freakn handle it all. i have a blog waiting to be posted, but this is at the top of my head right now and i dont know how else to relieve my mind. i know it was bound to come out, but now that its all happening.. i kinda wish it wasn't addressed. hmm how do i say thissss. Words, have so many different meanings.. it's impossible to know exactly what anyone is saying, unless you are the person saying It. Actions, okay yeah actions also have many different meanings.. maybe it's just me, but i just think that Actions give a little more preciseness/detail than words. i'm trying to stay neutral. i dont need anyone right now. i dont want to deal with starting over, nor do i want to deal with starting where i left off.. maybe it's a pisces thing i dont knowww - fleeing from any disturbances in the water. someone showed this to me.
* LIKES Solitude to dream in
* Mystery in all its guises
* Anything discarded to stay discarded
* The ridiculous
* like to get 'lost'
* DISLIKES the obvious
* being criticized
* feeling all at sea about something
* know-it-alls
* pedantry
it's freaky how they pinpoint your qualities.. and they're surprisingly true too. but damn. i just.. i'm not myself lately. it's not cheryl of me. i have so much to say.. to the point where i can't say anything anymore. god talks to us in the weirdest ways. i need a sign or something. something. somethinggggg. i'm pffaowesiurpaowijr;lkjpoqir;l,m.,zxc;ijpo
[under construction]
one thing's for sure,
i could just make a yelp account
today was surprisingly warmer than yesterday. hopefully it's not due to global warming. ehehh.
i guess i should update.
friday: cousin/family
saturday: gmall/sf goodnite inn church reunion thingy for old people
i guess i should update.
friday: cousin/family
saturday: gmall/sf goodnite inn church reunion thingy for old people
sunday: goodbye cousin/church/daddy.
monday: no comment
wednesday: halloween around the `hood.
yea we were bored for a bit. 
so, we went to gmall.
later that night, we arrived at our destination.. SF! ooooh, ahhhh.. the coolest city in california! -_- we went to a freakn hotel to meet up some old church members [literally, old] and i didn't even go to the church. i dont even think i was BORN yet! me & keoni were DEAD-BORED! omfg we stayed in the hotel lobby for 80% of the time! sorry for complaining. let me uh, try to see the positive side of this fuckn situation.. um.. the food was good?
after church, me & rachelhoney went to visit daddy. we ate dimsum again. this time, at the Saigon restaurant somewhere along Lawrence Expressway.
tell me why i never knew hometown buffet had a mascot?
we went to this mall too. it's called Westgate Mall - super boring like newpark. but worse. it was SO WORSE that rachel had to buy a little bowling set to amuse herself. hahaha.
played dress-up with shoes at payless. don't laugh.
oh =x! nighttime already! daddy's cheap version of a carwash:
daddy dropped us off, and when i got home, i saw this in the kitchen. thanks dru!! =)
skip skip.. wednesday - halloween. i was studying at the library for my freakn chem test when mother interrupted me with a guilt-trip phonecall. "pleaseeee walk your sister around the block.. she wants to be with You. okay? i'll see you here at 6." -_-. i arrived home at 6, didn't leave the house til like 730. you know WHY?! coz RACHEL COULDN'T FIND A JACKET! mom and rachel were arguing for a good HOUR! i could've been STUDYING! oooohfrustration! anywho, it cooled down, and we finally got out the house. rachel me mother and tito roy walked around the block. the wind almost blew off my ears.
my costume obviously did not come close to what i drew. butttttt... when things are limited... you gotta work with what you have. =T.
happy to the nth power
60/60 points niggggggaaaaaaaaa!!!! =D. times like this make me wanna say YEEEE!
don't laugh. just an idea! heh..! it's almost like an 80's-ballerina-bunny minus the tutu. tootoo. [sp?] and yes; the shirt goes down her crotch. and yes; those are leg warmers. and yes; it's not gray in real life, i just had to use a color that wasn't solid white so it would show. and yes; the pink dot is the fuzzball tail. okay i know you're laughing. whateverrrr yo! i think it's cute. >_< yay or nay? ehh..
oh no.. math-minded! must... rub off...
guess what!
last night i totally studied this shit. [white, left side]. it's a graph of a "purely competitive model" for econ. i had to memorize those 3 lists at the bottom, 29 numbers total.. and i also had to memorize how to graph it. lines, measurements between the lines, labeling.. the whole shabang.
so todayyy... mr. williams handed everyone a single piece of blank yellow paper [yellow, right side] and expected us to draw the damn thing. [29 numbers included, lines, correct measurements, labeling, etc..]
o_o! so...
hahaha okay okay. WELL.. this just proved my theory. Setting time aside.. to do what we're supposed to do. ^_^
it's about fuckn time! i'm getting there. and i'm damn proud. let's go shopping.
btw, halloween is creeping up.i have no choice but to rely on last year's costume =\ .. but probably fix it up a bit. no, no more hoochi-mama status.. lol. well um, remember when i went to university ave.? i passed by this one store called American Apparel. they have a whole bunch of spandexy cottony stuff. (i love their simplicity!) but anyways, i saw a shirt on their website that looked suitable for my bunny fit.
don't laugh. just an idea! heh..! it's almost like an 80's-ballerina-bunny minus the tutu. tootoo. [sp?] and yes; the shirt goes down her crotch. and yes; those are leg warmers. and yes; it's not gray in real life, i just had to use a color that wasn't solid white so it would show. and yes; the pink dot is the fuzzball tail. okay i know you're laughing. whateverrrr yo! i think it's cute. >_< yay or nay? ehh..
places to go, food to eat
mood: bleh.
The latest episode of The Hills is the cutest. Emotions were obvious. Oh Lauren, Brody is a nice guy!!!
I warned you. I can be expensive when it comes to food. always in search of new tastes for my buds. here's a recap of my weekend that just passed.. haha..
rachel took a roll of paper towels and took advantage of how spacious my room is. wooooo.
AND THEN.. rachel had tutoring at automall [AGAIN! and on a weekend!!] this is what we ate for breakfast. haha.
later that day, me & roach went to see daddy. ate at claim jumpers.
and to settle down our stomachs, we headed to Eastridge. but you see, i didn't KNOW we were actually heading to Eastridge on account that I was knocked out, sprawled in the backseat. I awoke to san jose's heat, walked myself to the entrance, and splurged. yay. i am now broke. double yay.
sunday. for some reason that i was un-informed of, we did not attend church that morning. i wish i did, so i could finish a few letters of "r-e-c-o-v-e-r-y", but i guess i'll have to wait til next sunday. anywho - for dinner we ate at Sushimaru, which is the new Sushi Lovers. Sushi Lovers in Milpitas is like.. my childhood restaurant. Me, Mom, & Dad would eat there on special occasions because the sushi was oh-so-yummy. Recently, they changed the place to "Sushimaru".. reminds me of Badtz-Maru.. and isn't as catchy as Sushi Lovers.. =\. I'm a little bummed that Sushi Lovers is gone now, but when I ate there.. I felt reunited. Food tastes the same. It's just the "title" that changed . . .
. . .

hot tea is always satisfying after eating sushi. =)
how uneventful. how unproductive. how flavorful[?] i'm sick of this shit. when spring semester starts, imma be foreals. foreal. as for now.. have fun, pay later. ;P
The latest episode of The Hills is the cutest. Emotions were obvious. Oh Lauren, Brody is a nice guy!!!
I warned you. I can be expensive when it comes to food. always in search of new tastes for my buds. here's a recap of my weekend that just passed.. haha..
went to olive garden to see bernadette ong. thank you for serving us. =)
(gloriene's pas-ghetti)
(janet's seafood alfredo)[get well soon!!]
(and my chiato something shmurks - bernie recommended.) loads of flavor due to high sodium levels, and extreme cheese. the meat was super tender tho. ?
i couldn't finish. ... said my farewells.. then off to cassandra's. i was going to persuade her into coming with me to the hiphop lounge thing at vince's... but failed in doing so. *de-shrug shoulders*. so instead, we ate healthy snacks. look at all those colors!! ^_^
thank you very much bestfriend.
saturday 8am - dentist. cleaning. and to settle down our stomachs, we headed to Eastridge. but you see, i didn't KNOW we were actually heading to Eastridge on account that I was knocked out, sprawled in the backseat. I awoke to san jose's heat, walked myself to the entrance, and splurged. yay. i am now broke. double yay.
. . .
hot tea is always satisfying after eating sushi. =)
how uneventful. how unproductive. how flavorful[?] i'm sick of this shit. when spring semester starts, imma be foreals. foreal. as for now.. have fun, pay later. ;P
EYE! hahahaha. guess who's.
she said, "fuck it. no regrets." n i replied, "as long as you can safely say no regrets, then everything you do should be fine." heartbreaker.
influence is the art of persuasion.
i said, "i'm fucking up. i'm doing something wrong."
it is addressed.
oh, God.
with closed eyes, i shall now breathe in..
tackle one at a time.
btw, i'm applying for bestbuy again.
The greatest of people, need the greatest of care.
so the other day, mother says i had to drop off rachel at her orthodontist, aka, my orthodontist. i was immediately reminded of SAW. 
(that's dr. aki)

rachel's growing up kinda fast. =\. she has a myspace now, and a gmail account. *siiigh*
had a similar conversation with some people i used to chill with on a weekly basis. topic: friends. there are friends that you have fun with, then you eventually get bored.. and realize that this is their life. life in the fun-lane. for the rest of us, we go to school. it's better in the long run, eventually you'll see why. sucks that you dont see it now. =\
i love this classic. so, simple. things like this make me smile. [no homo]. this isn't to anyone in particular.
[too lazy to post it as a vid] yeaaa i wish i sang. okay i do. but i suck. & i sing to myself only. only. end of conversation.
[too lazy to post it as a vid] yeaaa i wish i sang. okay i do. but i suck. & i sing to myself only. only. end of conversation.
you know, teaching the elderly how to use the computer can be a pain in the butt. what you CAN do is, first, find out which sites they use. usually the elderly want to use email, or go to one website in particular. set up their account for them, then for future reference, type up [w/ a big font size] step by step instructions of how to get access to whatevertheheckers they need to access. SO SIMPO. put it on a piece of paper.
okay loves you bye.
happy thoughts help
i had an interesting weekend. friday night, we got ready a little too early.. passed by newpark when it was about to close, ate some mickey d's, then got lost trynna find the W. wasted gas.
typical american. teee heee. i'm sure you all love mickey d's. i love my nuggets w/ honey mustard sauce. love loooove it. anywho, we followed The Yellow S2K to the W. party of 6. hilarious. 
it's interesting to know who actually cares about your feelings, and who could care less. for those who are reading, thanks. haha. =) i got home around 4ish and found a predictable surprise across the street.. waiting for my arrival. i would've talked, but it's all repetitive. time can only tell. i saw mom peep out the front door and she filipino-hand-wave'd me to come inside. anddd of course, she was mad. something she told me hit my heart, so i stomped up the stairs with tears down my cheeks.
and finally....... the Z Gallerie! i actually like the store that mom chose. wow.

me and rachel passed by some modern-type store that i also liked. 

tell me why the simplest things are so expensive??? very nice designs tho. can't wait til i have a house of my own. haha
later that night, we ate kare-kare. yno, that filipino dish with peanut butter. ^_^. niggaKessy, i mean, my bestfriend kessy called me to ask if i wanted to go w/ her to tap. Eh. wasn't really in the mood to get tap for some reason. [i know, shocking!]. yno why tho? because mom was making dessert tonight. ^_^. more yum! [you've probably ate this at a thai restaurant.]

luckily we had some coconut ice cream in the freezer. ^_^. EXTRA YUM! haha. that'll top tapioca Anyday. sheeeeit. i made that little thing in the middle. it's jackfruit. =)

get me one.
saturday morning, 10am.
i was rudely awakened by 2 heavy hands that slapped my door. "ATEH.. i have tutoring! mom says you have to get ready and take me!" --__--.. considering i slept at around 5am the night before, excuse me.. *5 hrs earlier, i was verrrryyyyy grumpy. ( !!! ). rachel's tutoring program thingy had a fieldtrip to the pumpkin patch place on ardenwood.. picked her up at 2pm.
i took a super long nap that day. approximately 3 hrs. it was great.
sunday morning [maroon5].
church was quite interesting that day. our pastor had a plane flight to catch, so he popped in a re-run of the 9 oclock service and we watched the tv screens the whole time. lol. movie day, i guess. pastor asked us a tricky question tho, "what makes you happy?" he showed us video clips of him surveying 5 people with that same question. only 1 of them gave credit to god. interesting. i know none of us are really happy. so far, for the past 2 sundays, we've learned about the path to recovery.. recovery can help lead us up to happiness. this was shown on the tv screens:
[obviously we need more sundays to pass so i can complete it]. in order for us to be able to relate to the topic, pastor gave us an example of a guy who was lost. he pulled out a map from his rental car and he still couldn't find his way around. then he (r) Realized that he needed help. so he stops at a nearby gas station and he asks the gas station man to help him out. he (e) earnestly wanted to find his way out of the darn place, and finally the gas station man pointed out that he was using a map of a completely different state. lol. so the man gave up the map, and (c) committed to the true directions that the gas station man gave him. haha. and yes, he found his way out. that deserves an applause. *clapclapclap*
after church, we head out to stanford to check out this one store called "Z Gallerie". But before that, we were all hungry as fuck. so we ate some grub. guess where! haha. you know me, i'm a little high maintenence when it comes to food ONLY because i watch the food channel. of course i had to get the awkwardest one:

mmmmmmm scrum-diddly-umptious. lol. the mango tandoori chicken was perfect for my tastebuds. ^_^. an immediate scent of sweetness from the mango &savory warmth from the chicken. ^_^. oh my gooooodness i loved it. ^_^. ok i need to stop. i'm getting hungry now. mmk. well after those yummies, we walked along university ave. 
(i noticed the wall. rasterbate-ish)
tell me why the simplest things are so expensive??? very nice designs tho. can't wait til i have a house of my own. haha
later that night, we ate kare-kare. yno, that filipino dish with peanut butter. ^_^. niggaKessy, i mean, my bestfriend kessy called me to ask if i wanted to go w/ her to tap. Eh. wasn't really in the mood to get tap for some reason. [i know, shocking!]. yno why tho? because mom was making dessert tonight. ^_^. more yum! [you've probably ate this at a thai restaurant.]
how do you think that bear feels w/ that chain around it's neck?
me & kessy talked about our latest relationship issues. yno, updating. i told her to slow down, and she told me to slow down. we need to analyze our relationships w/ more precision this time. we both came to the conclusion that never again will we get with someone with so much control. the next will be less of it, and more open w/ us.. and the biggest plus: has to be friends w/ our friends. duh! are we asking for perfection? no. but we're getting closer to it.. and it's kinda fun.
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