saturday morning, 10am.
i was rudely awakened by 2 heavy hands that slapped my door. "ATEH.. i have tutoring! mom says you have to get ready and take me!" --__--.. considering i slept at around 5am the night before, excuse me.. *5 hrs earlier, i was verrrryyyyy grumpy. ( !!! ). rachel's tutoring program thingy had a fieldtrip to the pumpkin patch place on ardenwood.. picked her up at 2pm.
i took a super long nap that day. approximately 3 hrs. it was great.
sunday morning [maroon5].
church was quite interesting that day. our pastor had a plane flight to catch, so he popped in a re-run of the 9 oclock service and we watched the tv screens the whole time. lol. movie day, i guess. pastor asked us a tricky question tho, "what makes you happy?" he showed us video clips of him surveying 5 people with that same question. only 1 of them gave credit to god. interesting. i know none of us are really happy. so far, for the past 2 sundays, we've learned about the path to recovery.. recovery can help lead us up to happiness. this was shown on the tv screens:
[obviously we need more sundays to pass so i can complete it]. in order for us to be able to relate to the topic, pastor gave us an example of a guy who was lost. he pulled out a map from his rental car and he still couldn't find his way around. then he (r) Realized that he needed help. so he stops at a nearby gas station and he asks the gas station man to help him out. he (e) earnestly wanted to find his way out of the darn place, and finally the gas station man pointed out that he was using a map of a completely different state. lol. so the man gave up the map, and (c) committed to the true directions that the gas station man gave him. haha. and yes, he found his way out. that deserves an applause. *clapclapclap*
after church, we head out to stanford to check out this one store called "Z Gallerie". But before that, we were all hungry as fuck. so we ate some grub. guess where! haha. you know me, i'm a little high maintenence when it comes to food ONLY because i watch the food channel. of course i had to get the awkwardest one:

mmmmmmm scrum-diddly-umptious. lol. the mango tandoori chicken was perfect for my tastebuds. ^_^. an immediate scent of sweetness from the mango &savory warmth from the chicken. ^_^. oh my gooooodness i loved it. ^_^. ok i need to stop. i'm getting hungry now. mmk. well after those yummies, we walked along university ave. 
(i noticed the wall. rasterbate-ish)
tell me why the simplest things are so expensive??? very nice designs tho. can't wait til i have a house of my own. haha
later that night, we ate kare-kare. yno, that filipino dish with peanut butter. ^_^. niggaKessy, i mean, my bestfriend kessy called me to ask if i wanted to go w/ her to tap. Eh. wasn't really in the mood to get tap for some reason. [i know, shocking!]. yno why tho? because mom was making dessert tonight. ^_^. more yum! [you've probably ate this at a thai restaurant.]
how do you think that bear feels w/ that chain around it's neck?
me & kessy talked about our latest relationship issues. yno, updating. i told her to slow down, and she told me to slow down. we need to analyze our relationships w/ more precision this time. we both came to the conclusion that never again will we get with someone with so much control. the next will be less of it, and more open w/ us.. and the biggest plus: has to be friends w/ our friends. duh! are we asking for perfection? no. but we're getting closer to it.. and it's kinda fun.
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liked your place of words. =D
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