EYE! hahahaha. guess who's.
she said, "fuck it. no regrets." n i replied, "as long as you can safely say no regrets, then everything you do should be fine." heartbreaker.
influence is the art of persuasion.
i said, "i'm fucking up. i'm doing something wrong."
it is addressed.
oh, God.
with closed eyes, i shall now breathe in..
tackle one at a time.
btw, i'm applying for bestbuy again.
The greatest of people, need the greatest of care.
so the other day, mother says i had to drop off rachel at her orthodontist, aka, my orthodontist. i was immediately reminded of SAW. 
(that's dr. aki)

rachel's growing up kinda fast. =\. she has a myspace now, and a gmail account. *siiigh*
had a similar conversation with some people i used to chill with on a weekly basis. topic: friends. there are friends that you have fun with, then you eventually get bored.. and realize that this is their life. life in the fun-lane. for the rest of us, we go to school. it's better in the long run, eventually you'll see why. sucks that you dont see it now. =\
i love this classic. so, simple. things like this make me smile. [no homo]. this isn't to anyone in particular. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NCMIN7yx3ow&mode=related&search=
[too lazy to post it as a vid] yeaaa i wish i sang. okay i do. but i suck. & i sing to myself only. only. end of conversation.
[too lazy to post it as a vid] yeaaa i wish i sang. okay i do. but i suck. & i sing to myself only. only. end of conversation.
you know, teaching the elderly how to use the computer can be a pain in the butt. what you CAN do is, first, find out which sites they use. usually the elderly want to use email, or go to one website in particular. set up their account for them, then for future reference, type up [w/ a big font size] step by step instructions of how to get access to whatevertheheckers they need to access. SO SIMPO. put it on a piece of paper.
okay loves you bye.
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