&for those who don't listen to that kind of music....... crank that soulja boy`up!! hahahahahaha! DUDE i was the only one who was STILL laughing about it. HAHA. oh man. that totally made my day. =)
on another note.
i realized that the term "smart" isn't "smart" at all. school is simple. yea really think about it tho.. i mean, why do you think people say, "oh he's the smartass in class" ? is he really smart? nahh. that's not it at all. all he did was memorize the damn thing. all he did was copy the answers down because it's in the freakn book. if you think about it, all the answers are right in front of you. via textbook or lecture, it's already given. riiight am i riiight. school's not hard. the only "hard" part of school is setting time aside to actually DO what you're supposed to do. [like study, memorize, program the answers from the book inside your ti-83, etc]. but you see? that's where we all Fail. Setting time aside.. to do what we're supposed to do. (*cough* like right now, i'm blogging when i could use this time to study) Ask yourself why you got a bad grade on that test. i could continue.. but that, my dear friends, will be saved for another day.
next note.
while eating dinner, i was watching tv. some blind girl was in her house w/ an ex-convict. naturally, my eyes were glued. o_o. i ate my dinner veryyy slowly. and when the commercials started up i thought, This is why i don't watch tv anymore. for one, i can sit in front of it for multiple hours, wasting away a whole day. secondly, in doing so, that would make my day Unproductive. there are other words for it, like: unnecessary, not-needed, pointless, maybe dumb? thirdly, commercials! i hate how they rudely interrupt your viewing pleasure. but commercials now-a-days are becoming more and more entertaining.. >_< no. NO! seeee this is why i don't freaknn watch tv!!
(with exceptions to The Hills, the Food Channel, CSI: Las Vegas (<3warrick))
I had to tell my bestfriend everything that was going on through my mind for the past few days. i feel.. mad/shy. but anyways, bestfriendship is not a 1-way relationship, and i'm glad it isn't. I appreciate my bestfriends not only for being there, but also for sharing their thoughts/insights about their OWN lives. Example.. CSI Las Vegas.. Grissom chose who he wanted in his CSI team. He picked each team member according to their different attributes.. and together they help each other out! Hah, see we're teammates. I'll advise, she'll advise.. then i'll learn from her problems, & she'll learn from mines... I'm really thankful! (see previous blog entry). but seriously tho.. whatever happened to people like that?
my horoscope for today: Write out your feelings, either in a private journal or a blog for the entire world to see. There's no need to make it easy for people to get your meaning -- as long as you know what you're trying to say.
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